My standard fee is $200 for a 55-minute therapy session. Payment is to be made at the time of each session. A receipt will be provided so that you can submit to your insurance company or to use on your personal income tax. I accept e-transfers only.
It is required that 24 hours’ notice of cancelled appointments be given. Cancellations without 24-hour notice will be charged at full price. If I am able to fill your appointment time with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will not be charged for the session.
Providing informed consent is important because you have the right to agree or refuse to consent to treatment. It is critical that you have sufficient information about my practice, policies, procedures and theoretical orientation. Informed consent reduces the possibility for misunderstandings. It forces the therapist to organize their practice, to develop sound policies and procedures, as well as a rational approach to their business. Informed consent covers topics like limits on confidentiality, polices about record keeping, storage of your health information, fees, communication, scope of practice, training, treatment orientation, length of treatment etc. Informed consent will be discussed during our first appointment together.
I an seeing clients virtually at this time using Microsoft Teams. I am available Monday through Thursday and I presently only offer day time appointments.
Yes. Registered Social Workers are members of several workplace insurance plans. Before your first appointment, you may want to check with your insurance company or Human Resource Department about any deductible amounts that exist and what the terms and limits are for your extended health benefits and counselling. More specifically, you should ensure that Registered Social Workers are covered under your plan. I will provide official receipts for you to submit to your insurance company following each session. You are also able to use your receipt for your Canada Revenue personal income tax as a medical deduction. Social Work services are not covered by OHIP, OW or ODSP.
I am only seeing clients virtually at this time. I utilize a secure web platform that meets PHippa requirements.